Saturday, September 25, 2010

Our Reagie Bug

Finally!! Time to sit out on the deck and relax a little bit and catch up. I didn't get to add this to my blog on Reagan's birthday like I wanted to. I just can't believe my middle baby is 7. We did pull out the baby book on his birthday and I told him how much I loved holding him and kissing his fat rolls! You would never know how chubby he was by looking at him today. I am so proud of my Reagan! He is so inquisitive, sweet, funny, and he is crazy about Legos!! I was worried about homeschooling at first but he makes it fun. I want to stay home and homeschool but that's just not possible right now. Maybe next year. I just think of all the fun and wonderful things we could do if I could be with them all day. It is in God's hands so we will see what He has planned for me. I hate that Kelly lost his job but I can also see the blessing in it. He has spent more time with the kids and I can see the result. I love to see them hugging on him and playing together and now Kelly and the boys are doing Boy Scouts together. I can see their relationship getting stronger and stronger. Even though times get tough I just have to remember that we are so blessed and that we have a Savior who loves us and takes care of us!
Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet Reagie Bug!!

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